OSCAR 4 Kids provides a safe space for children to come outside of school hours to have fun and learn. Sometimes, OSCAR is the safest place for a child so we do our best to ensure that our programmes are as affordable and available as possible.

You can make a difference in a local families life.

Every cent that is donated relieves financial stress from families and also contributes to making OSCAR 4 Kids an even more fun and safe environment.

What Donations Can Do



Makes our extra activities in the holidays free for children.



Covers 3 days of term time care with transport for a child.


Covers 1 day of term time care with transport for a child.



Covers 5 days of term time care with transport for a child.


Covers one day of holiday care for a child.


Once Off Sponsorship

Paying an amount once off can do any of the following things that you’d like:

  1. Cover a child’s costs once off

  2. Supply new resources and games for a centre.

  3. Cover transport costs for several families